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#102699: "would like to see region scoring in the play log / possible region popup bug"
acknowledged: Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat
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As it says in the short description, I think a nice enhancement would be to add the regional scoring results in the play log.
I was only able to see the last region scoring "popup" by using the replay and skipping to the end of the game. If there was a similar region scoring popup for each of the other moon-milestones, I never encountered or saw them. Is that a bug, maybe?
One final idea: it might be nice to have each of the region scoring popups show all previous region totals. Or even to have a button that opens a "score pad" with all the different ways to get points filled in at any point. (And empty spaces for the ones that have yet to score.)• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Mozilla v5
Historie hlášení
grid • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
30. říj 2023 17:52 • Overall, this is a very nice implementation already! I didn't experience any glitches or notice anything that appeared to be a bug in this play through. Feels ready for beta to me!
xiongmao1298 • Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat:
30. říj 2023 20:30 • Going through the replay turn-by-turn does show the scoring dialog, so I think it is working as intended.
Good ideas otherwise, we'll get to it eventually.
Good ideas otherwise, we'll get to it eventually.
KiekeboeNL • Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat:
12. lis 2023 10:05 • "To have a button that opens a "score pad" with all the different ways to get points filled in at any point. (And empty spaces for the ones that have yet to score.)"
I highly missed this information when playing the game. It was a first time play for me, and although I kind of know how the scoring works, it would be nice to have an overview, especially once the game is over and you would like to learn what you could/should focus more on next time.
For example, in Planet Unknown, there is a button in the top right that you can click on to see how points are scored. Alternatively, if I remember well, a scoring sheet is presented at the end of games like Agricola and Welcome To, that show how the final scores are built up.
I highly missed this information when playing the game. It was a first time play for me, and although I kind of know how the scoring works, it would be nice to have an overview, especially once the game is over and you would like to learn what you could/should focus more on next time.
For example, in Planet Unknown, there is a button in the top right that you can click on to see how points are scored. Alternatively, if I remember well, a scoring sheet is presented at the end of games like Agricola and Welcome To, that show how the final scores are built up.
shubber • Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat:
29. lis 2023 19:18 • A log entry that says "X gets 4, Y gets 2, Z gets 4, Y gets 2" would be really nice
grid • Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat:
15. pro 2023 18:11 • Log entries for each of the players for each region scoring feels like table stakes here. I would also really like a score pad that shows everything for each player at any time. It's all public information, but having it spread out on each player board makes it really difficult to see where folks scores are coming from.
RicardoRix • Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat:
12. led 2024 1:28 • Playing a turn-based game, I did not see the Replay Dialog Scoring.
Also the Scoring dialog doesn't show the different regions, just the totals.
If the data is not in the log, then a 'link' where the current Region Scoring message should show the dialog scoring.
Also the Scoring dialog doesn't show the different regions, just the totals.
If the data is not in the log, then a 'link' where the current Region Scoring message should show the dialog scoring.
LilBlueSpider • Vývojáři souhlasí, že je to dobrý nápad, a mají v úmyslu na tom pracovat:
5. čec 2024 2:19 • Any progress on this? It seems like an easy fix, no? At least to have some info in the gamelog.
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