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#103015: "Move Tiles Near Map"
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It's annoying to have to scroll down from the map to see my tiles (or press an action) to see which tiles I want to use and have to go back and forth. Seeing what tiles I have available near the top of the map would be easier to see what action I should take.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v118
Historie hlášení
3. lis 2023 0:29 •
sedjtroll • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
21. lis 2023 20:19 • It seems like they maybe implemented this? It says 'awaiting"
I like how the tiles are available to click at the top, btu I'll make 2 suggestions:
1. Instead of just putting them up there when they're clickable, why not show them up there all the time? That way you're not sometime scrolling up and other times scrolling down to find them
2. IN ADDITION to the ones at the top being clickable, it would be nice to ALSO have the tiles displayed on your player board be clickable as well. It's annoying when I scroll down to look at my board, then have to scroll all the way back up to the top to click on the tile I want. Seems easier if I can click the tile in either location
I like how the tiles are available to click at the top, btu I'll make 2 suggestions:
1. Instead of just putting them up there when they're clickable, why not show them up there all the time? That way you're not sometime scrolling up and other times scrolling down to find them
2. IN ADDITION to the ones at the top being clickable, it would be nice to ALSO have the tiles displayed on your player board be clickable as well. It's annoying when I scroll down to look at my board, then have to scroll all the way back up to the top to click on the tile I want. Seems easier if I can click the tile in either location
trojanrabbit • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
15. pro 2023 20:13 • Came here to suggest this. Totally agree. Cards should always be both on the top and the bottom. Both sets should be clickable.
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