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#104950: "have a separate moon light board for each player count to avoid confusion"
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there is no reason to have the scorings for a player count you are not playing in the digital format. I think it should be quite easy to edit out and make 4 separate moon light boards.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v119
Historie hlášení
27. lis 2023 13:39 •
Willofthebeast • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
30. lis 2023 18:31 • Agreed. This causes much unnecessary new player confusion.
Coolroo • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
30. lis 2023 18:37 • I mean, there's a star on the moonlight board showing when the next scoring date is, we are using assets from the developers, if we see more interest in this we will consider it but at this point the UI lets users know what the next activation date is
vickyfray • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
19. led 2024 11:11 • I would really like an option in the settings to have a moonlight board represented in a thin vertical line to the left of the main board - simply showing you how many tokens need to be removed until the end of THIS particular phase. as it is, you have to scroll down every turn to check if its going to trigger the scoring and instead it always comes as a surprise. I also agree that it is easy to mistake alternate player count icons as relevant for your game when they are not
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