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#108116: "Flip terrain tiles at end of action instead of before the action is undertaken"
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I love the implementation, but there's one small change that I feel would make the player experience better. When selecting the terrain tiles for the action destination, don't flip them immediately, but rather highlight them (or slide them up a bit like they do in the tutorial video), and only flip them when the action is complete. This makes it very clear which terrain is "activated". This is especially helpful when the player has to choose a wolf to perform the action (e.g., Move), when their attention shifts from the destination terrain to (typically) some other terrain (where the wolf currently resides). Thank you!• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v120
Historie hlášení
Qwibbian • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
21. pro 2023 13:21 • The training tutorial is a good reference for seeing this suggestion in action, as they were very consistent with identifying the target terrain (sliding the tile(s) up a bit) and then only flipping them after the action was complete. It felt very natural, like bracketing the action.
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