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Hlášení Hardback
#133810: "New interface is not as good as the old one"
implemented: Tento návrh byl implementován
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Please bring back the previous interface! The new one doesn't automatically tell you how many letters there are in your word, so you have to do it manually; it now has the DRAW WITH INK button on the left rather than the right for no good reason; the red letters look terrible; and (worst of all) the cards don't move smoothly anymore. If there are advantages to the new interface, I can't see what they are.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Safari v17.5
Historie hlášení
13. srp 2024 15:03 •
quietmint • Tento návrh byl implementován:
14. srp 2024 17:27 • The word length has been readded directly above your word (it's also visible in the player panel).
The card animations have been readded.
The red romance font has been enlarged and adjusted once again.
The new interface shows the cards contained in each pile without extra clicks, and it is designed to reduce confusion for new players. I saw players struggle to differentiate between building a word in "word" vs in "hand" sections. Now there's only one location where you can adjust your cards.
The card animations have been readded.
The red romance font has been enlarged and adjusted once again.
The new interface shows the cards contained in each pile without extra clicks, and it is designed to reduce confusion for new players. I saw players struggle to differentiate between building a word in "word" vs in "hand" sections. Now there's only one location where you can adjust your cards.
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