#140131: "game is stuck after removing red arrow to starting roset"
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Pokud ano, HLASUJ pro toto hlášení. Hlášení s nejvyšším počtem hlasů budou řešena PŘEDNOSTNĚ!
# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Detailní popis
• Prosím, zkopíruj a vlož hlášení o chybě, které vidíš na monitoru, pokud to lze.
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Prosím popiš, co jsi měl v úmyslu udělat, co jsi udělal a co se nakonec stalo
The game is stuck! My opponent
- CANNOT play the mandatory red arrow
- CANNOT end their turn
- CANNOT concede since it is a 2 player tournay game
There are only 2 options:
1) wait 7 days so their time is up and kick the player out of the game. This is not a fair treatment to a good/ nice player and EVERYBODY in the tournay has to also wait 7 days before stage 2 can start!
2) mutualy agree to end the game. So i have to forfeit a well earned win due to a bug in the game thas has been reported MANY times over!
Please resolve the situation for our table as soon as possible so we can end this game the correct way!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Prosíme, zkopíruj/vlož text zobrazený v angličtině namísto tvého jazyka. Pokud máš snímek obrazvky zobrazující tuto chybu (doporučujeme!), můžeš použít Imgur.com pro nahrání obrázku a pak odkaz na tento obrázek na Imguru zkopírovat a vložit sem.
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Je tento text k dispozici v systému pro překládání? Pokud ano, byl přeložen před více než 24 hodinami?
The game is stuck! My opponent
- CANNOT play the mandatory red arrow
- CANNOT end their turn
- CANNOT concede since it is a 2 player tournay game
There are only 2 options:
1) wait 7 days so their time is up and kick the player out of the game. This is not a fair treatment to a good/ nice player and EVERYBODY in the tournay has to also wait 7 days before stage 2 can start!
2) mutualy agree to end the game. So i have to forfeit a well earned win due to a bug in the game thas has been reported MANY times over!
Please resolve the situation for our table as soon as possible so we can end this game the correct way!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Prosím popiš svůj návrh přesně a konzistentně, aby bylo snadné pochopit, co máš na mysli.
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Co bylo zobrazeno na monitoru, když došlo k tvému zablokování? (Černá obrazovka? Část herního prostředí? Hlášení o chybě?)
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Která část pravidel nebyla dodržena adaptací hry na BGA
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Je vidět porušení pravidel na záznamu hry? Pokud ano, ve kterém tahu?
The game is stuck! My opponent
- CANNOT play the mandatory red arrow
- CANNOT end their turn
- CANNOT concede since it is a 2 player tournay game
There are only 2 options:
1) wait 7 days so their time is up and kick the player out of the game. This is not a fair treatment to a good/ nice player and EVERYBODY in the tournay has to also wait 7 days before stage 2 can start!
2) mutualy agree to end the game. So i have to forfeit a well earned win due to a bug in the game thas has been reported MANY times over!
Please resolve the situation for our table as soon as possible so we can end this game the correct way!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• O jakou herní akci ses pokoušel/a?
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Co ses pokoušel/a udělat, abys spustil/a tuhle herní akci?
The game is stuck! My opponent
- CANNOT play the mandatory red arrow
- CANNOT end their turn
- CANNOT concede since it is a 2 player tournay game
There are only 2 options:
1) wait 7 days so their time is up and kick the player out of the game. This is not a fair treatment to a good/ nice player and EVERYBODY in the tournay has to also wait 7 days before stage 2 can start!
2) mutualy agree to end the game. So i have to forfeit a well earned win due to a bug in the game thas has been reported MANY times over!
Please resolve the situation for our table as soon as possible so we can end this game the correct way!
• Co se stalo, když ses o tuto akci pokusil/a (vyskočila chybová hláška, lišta ve hře, ...)?
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• V jaké fázi hry problém nastal (jaký byl poslední herní pokyn)?
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Co se stalo, když ses pokusil/a udělat akci (chybová hláška, oznámení stavového řádku hry, ...)?
The game is stuck! My opponent
- CANNOT play the mandatory red arrow
- CANNOT end their turn
- CANNOT concede since it is a 2 player tournay game
There are only 2 options:
1) wait 7 days so their time is up and kick the player out of the game. This is not a fair treatment to a good/ nice player and EVERYBODY in the tournay has to also wait 7 days before stage 2 can start!
2) mutualy agree to end the game. So i have to forfeit a well earned win due to a bug in the game thas has been reported MANY times over!
Please resolve the situation for our table as soon as possible so we can end this game the correct way!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Prosím popište vyobrazený problém. Pokud máš snímek obrazvky zobrazující tuto chybu (doporučujeme!), můžeš použít Imgur.com pro nahrání obrázku a pak odkaz na tento obrázek na Imguru zkopírovat a vložit sem.
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Prosíme, zkopíruj/vlož text zobrazený v angličtině namísto tvého jazyka. Pokud máš snímek obrazvky zobrazující tuto chybu (doporučujeme!), můžeš použít Imgur.com pro nahrání obrázku a pak odkaz na tento obrázek na Imguru zkopírovat a vložit sem.
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Je tento text k dispozici v systému pro překládání? Pokud ano, byl přeložen před více než 24 hodinami?
The game is stuck! My opponent
- CANNOT play the mandatory red arrow
- CANNOT end their turn
- CANNOT concede since it is a 2 player tournay game
There are only 2 options:
1) wait 7 days so their time is up and kick the player out of the game. This is not a fair treatment to a good/ nice player and EVERYBODY in the tournay has to also wait 7 days before stage 2 can start!
2) mutualy agree to end the game. So i have to forfeit a well earned win due to a bug in the game thas has been reported MANY times over!
Please resolve the situation for our table as soon as possible so we can end this game the correct way!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
• Prosím popiš svůj návrh přesně a konzistentně, aby bylo snadné pochopit, co máš na mysli.
I cant claim my win in the final stage of the tournament game! My opponent removed a red arrow frm starting point (roset) to Athens. The game is stuck!
• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v129
Historie hlášení
A friend of mine has stopped playing tournamets due to the aggravation this bug causes. This bug has altered the outcome of the game in many occasions.
I am considering to stop too.
Every of these reports have multiple comments of other players encounting this bug
some of these reports date back a year ago!
Doplňte tuto zprávu
- ID dalšího stolu / ID tahu
- Byla chyba odstraněna stisknutím F5?
- Objevila se tato chyba častěji? Pokaždé? Náhodně?
- Pokud máš snímek obrazvky zobrazující tuto chybu (doporučujeme!), můžeš použít Imgur.com pro nahrání obrázku a pak odkaz na tento obrázek na Imguru zkopírovat a vložit sem.