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Hlášení Ostrov
#153124: ""You may reset or end action phase," but there is no reset/undo button"
Čeho se toto hlášení týká?
Co se stalo? Prosím vyberte níže
Rozhraní mně nepovolilo provést akci, která je podle pravidel možná
Detailní popis
• O jakou herní akci ses pokoušel/a?
On turn #250, I meant to move a raft, but I accidentally moved one of my adventurers off of the raft and into the water. Since this was not what I intended to do, I wanted to undo one (or all) of my actions for the turn.• Co ses pokoušel/a udělat, abys spustil/a tuhle herní akci?
The banner at the top of the game interface said, "Action phase: You may reset or end action phase." But there was no reset/undo button. The only button was "End Action phase."• Co se stalo, když ses o tuto akci pokusil/a (vyskočila chybová hláška, lišta ve hře, ...)?
I was not able to reset/undo.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v131
Historie hlášení
14. led 2025 3:17 •
Spinier Virus • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
22. led 2025 6:10 • I had a similar situation involving a Dolphin token after putting an adventurer into the water. I moved my adventurer from a raft into the water, then tried to play a Dolphin to move him onto the shore. Unfortunately, I clicked on the wrong space for the Dolphin movement, at which point I could not undo/reset.
Table # 618943258
Move # 308
Screenshot: imgur.com/a/eYIqE5d
Player SpinerVirus (red) unable to Reset turn to undo bad Dolphin movement click. The UI text said "Action phase: You may reset or end action phase", but the only button present was to "End Action phase".
Table # 618943258
Move # 308
Screenshot: imgur.com/a/eYIqE5d
Player SpinerVirus (red) unable to Reset turn to undo bad Dolphin movement click. The UI text said "Action phase: You may reset or end action phase", but the only button present was to "End Action phase".
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- ID dalšího stolu / ID tahu
- Byla chyba odstraněna stisknutím F5?
- Objevila se tato chyba častěji? Pokaždé? Náhodně?
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