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Hlášení Crafting the Cosmos
#156467: "Did not get to place a nebula gained from sending my marble to the chemistry space"
fixed: Chyba byla odstraněna
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Pravidla: pravidla hry nebyla dodržena
Detailní popis
• Která část pravidel nebyla dodržena adaptací hry na BGA
My marble was on the chemistry space. Going into the crafting phase, I placed the carbon star I gained and saw the nebula I had drawn by the side of the board. But I never had a prompt to place the nebula down and by the time my crafting phase was over the nebula was gone.• Je vidět porušení pravidel na záznamu hry? Pokud ano, ve kterém tahu?
Move #32 - Move #40 is my crafting phase. You can see my nebula I had drawn through the chemistry action in the bottom left, and that I never got a chance to place it by the time my crafting phase is over.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v131
Historie hlášení
kellenburg • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
4. úno 2025 22:08 • The problem only appeared the first time I did chemistry. I tried doing chemistry again next round and I was then able to place the nebula gained during my crafting phase.
LeSteffen • Tento bug je duplikát jiného:
7. úno 2025 11:40 • Probably related to a de-sync of movements (see fixed boardgamearena.com/bug?id=156464)
Krystal Rose • Tento bug je duplikát jiného:
18. bře 2025 3:42 • this happened in my game as well. I drew a nebula but did not get to place it during my crafting phase.
DaddyKiki69 • Tento bug je duplikát jiného:
18. bře 2025 8:15 •
18. bře 2025 11:18 •
18. bře 2025 11:29 • Just happened to me.
Table #645642452
First round of the game. Move #16 I drew the nebula and then on my turn, I no longer had the option of placing it
Table #645642452
First round of the game. Move #16 I drew the nebula and then on my turn, I no longer had the option of placing it
LeSteffen • Chyba byla odstraněna:
18. bře 2025 11:40 • Fixed. The game was wrongly discarding nebulae in all player hands when one player ended their crafting phase. So this happened if one player had drawn a nebula and was waiting for another to finish their crafting
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