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Hlášení Jump Drive
#161012: "Game ended with a negative score"
notabug: Toto není bug
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Pravidla: pravidla hry nebyla dodržena
Detailní popis
• Která část pravidel nebyla dodržena adaptací hry na BGA
The game ended with a negative score.• Je vidět porušení pravidel na záznamu hry? Pokud ano, ve kterém tahu?
I did not notice when the score become negative, but there are no game mechanics that subtract victory points from your score, so it couldn't have ended up with negative score by any means.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Mozilla v5
Historie hlášení
Dark_Nero • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
11. bře 2025 14:39 •
11. bře 2025 14:41 • This is the first time I encountered such bug, but I've only played so many games by now.
Kayvon • Toto není bug:
11. bře 2025 14:55 • Not a bug. You lost in a solo or cooperative game, so the score is negative. This is true with EVERY game on BGA. Please refer to the forums for details.
Dark_Nero • Toto není bug:
11. bře 2025 19:32 • You are talking about BGA score depicted with a star symbol. Okay, I don't care about it. But can you show how many victory points I got by the end of the game (in the top right corner)?
Kayvon • Toto není bug:
11. bře 2025 20:13 • > You are talking about BGA score depicted
> with a star symbol.
No, I'm talking about the score in BGA's system, which is reflected by the stars.
If you want to see what your score was at the end, why not look at the logs? I'm already telling you what it was there.
Please refer to the forums for further details.
> with a star symbol.
No, I'm talking about the score in BGA's system, which is reflected by the stars.
If you want to see what your score was at the end, why not look at the logs? I'm already telling you what it was there.
Please refer to the forums for further details.
Dark_Nero • Toto není bug:
13. bře 2025 18:23 • I referred to the forums and I did not find that it is forbidden for BGA games to show your score in single-player games. You might not update BGA profile or rankings, but at least show my endgames score. Simply displaying the final score does not contradict BGA rules in any way.
Kayvon • Toto není bug:
13. bře 2025 19:23 • Asked and answered.
If you want more detail, post your question in the forums.
If you want more detail, post your question in the forums.
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