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#32557: "Solo card as the last card in deck caused game to continue when it should have ended"
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• Která část pravidel nebyla dodržena adaptací hry na BGA
This happened in a solo game. As I understand it, normally when the deck is depleted, the game ends (unlike in multiplayer Welcome To, where a shuffle would occur and the game would go on). However, in this game, the solo card was the last card in the deck; when it was drawn, instead of the game ending, the deck was reshuffled and the game continued.• Je vidět porušení pravidel na záznamu hry? Pokud ano, ve kterém tahu?
I don't know the exact move number, but starting in the game log from "The solo card was drawn", you can see that there are several more turns where "New cards are drawn.". The deck size before that point was 1, and after that point was 75, which seemed to indicate a re-shuffle.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Google Chrome v86
Historie hlášení
s7even • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
23. led 2021 5:26 •
6. bře 2021 21:33 •
13. kvě 2021 3:56 • This is the only time I've encountered it, through several solo plays.
daltin • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
7. čec 2021 20:55 • I have seen this at least twice now. So you are playing as a single player with no opponents (I love this mode by the way, thank you for making this work on BGA!!!). The solo card was turned up as the final card in the game, but rather than end the game, the deck was shuffled and play continued. Seems to be the logic of the solo card being found is taking precedence/interacting with the game end logic for the solo player rules, and causing a reshuffle. Perhaps the logic is thinking that after a solo card is found you must deal the next 3 cards? In a solo game the game ends when the deck is depleted, which is not true for the multiplayer game, so the solo card coming as the last card seems to interfere with that special game end condition for the single player game, and make the logic think it is ok to continue as it would in a multiplayer game by reshuffling.
daltin • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
7. čec 2021 21:18 • Here is an image link: i.imgur.com/M35m3Wg.png
Here is a link to the game: boardgamearena.com/9/welcometo?table=185526768#
The log seemed to say it drew new cards (rather than recognizing the game was over with only one card in the deck-the solo card), then the solo card was drawn. You can see the image which includes the log, and inspect the table using the link above.
Here is a link to the game: boardgamearena.com/9/welcometo?table=185526768#
The log seemed to say it drew new cards (rather than recognizing the game was over with only one card in the deck-the solo card), then the solo card was drawn. You can see the image which includes the log, and inspect the table using the link above.
KungFuShus • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
22. pro 2022 11:15 •
27. čen 2023 16:06 •
18. srp 2023 10:18 • I also had this issue and created a message in the game's forum - I wasn't aware that there was a specific bug report feature for BGA.
ladybleu28_2023 • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
5. lis 2023 14:51 • I had the same issue today in game 141598533
ms_curmudge0n • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
19. pro 2023 20:32 • I had the same issue last week, sorry did not get the game id.
Kyle Baran • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
22. pro 2023 21:21 • I saw this in game 453089043, and once before in another solo game whose number I don't recall.
Rythos • Chyba zatím nebyla vývojáři reprodukována:
29. led 2024 0:54 • Encountered this today - boardgamearena.com/table?table=468150144
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