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#72077: "better randomizer within game"
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This happens in a lot of games, but using Hand and Foot as an example
Many many games, feel like the cards are not distributed evenly. 1 person may have an excessive amount of wilds and another an excessive amount of black 3. this makes for very uneven play against teams. and it is not likely to happen like this irl, especially the number of times it is seen (players often comment on it within the game as well)
Consider adding additional randomizer during shuffle at game and each round start
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Historie hlášení
kriskeith • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
18. zář 2022 0:49 •
18. zář 2022 0:52 • within Hand and Foot:
~1 out 6 games feels like cards are random. other games feel set up for a team to win
also, there are rumors that players are more like to win on one team than the other based on the team name alone.
~1 out 6 games feels like cards are random. other games feel set up for a team to win
also, there are rumors that players are more like to win on one team than the other based on the team name alone.
moonandstarsabound • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
18. zář 2022 3:40 • Yes this is a big need. I also notice it in Catan based on dice roll. As players we have commented how certain numbers are rolled more in the game than irl, like a 12. When I look at my hand & foot game statistics, i will play consistently winning regularly then hit a huge losing streak because I am never dealt enough wild cards. This was such an issue that the gurus voted to change arena rules because of the uneven distribution of wilds and to progress in the fame you were required to have a certain amount. I expect losing streaks from time to time, but it almost feels like the system recognizes how many you have won & adjusts. There has to be a better way than changing the rules of a game to accommodate bga randomizer.
Heather Raheb • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
23. zář 2022 0:28 • I agree with all of the complaints above. It seems like I win one and then lose 3 right after and the losses are because the other team gets all of the wilds. Hardly ever a close game.
Purp1eGoddess • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
3. říj 2022 18:43 • I pretty much quit H&F in arena for this exact reason
kriskeith • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
13. led 2023 17:31 • lots of players are still complaining about horribly lopsided games
table example
table example
kperry • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
8. dub 2023 23:57 • add this as another example: boardgamearena.com/1/handandfoot?table=365022561
kperry • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
9. dub 2023 23:10 •
ChronicB Gamer • Tento návrh zatím nebyl analyzován vývojáři:
10. kvě 2023 1:51 • Down vote. Random is really hard to know it's flawed. Without any evidence I would say it's likely cognitive bias.
For anyone curious about what they use for randomness this there is a response in FAQ boardgamearena.com/faq?anchor=faq_playing_random
And a thread/poll at forum.boardgamearena.com/viewtopic.php?t=18290
For anyone curious about what they use for randomness this there is a response in FAQ boardgamearena.com/faq?anchor=faq_playing_random
And a thread/poll at forum.boardgamearena.com/viewtopic.php?t=18290
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