#78313: "Merchant not clear"
Čeho se toto hlášení týká?
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Detailní popis
• O jakou herní akci ses pokoušel/a?
Text says I will be able to move a development cube when I receive one. I receieve one and I have no option to do so.
Seeing report #11488, maybe I'll get that option later. In any case, the text would be wrong and it would help a lot to add in which phase you'll be able to do the move.
If I can't change it later, then it is a bug.• Co ses pokoušel/a udělat, abys spustil/a tuhle herní akci?
Added a development cube.• Co se stalo, když ses o tuto akci pokusil/a (vyskočila chybová hláška, lišta ve hře, ...)?
Had no option to use the Merchant to change where the cube went.• Jaký prohlížeč používáte?
Mozilla v5
Historie hlášení
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
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