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Překvapující mix kámen-nůžky-papír a piškvorek!
2 herní mody: týmová hra a sólová hra.
Počet hráčů: 2 - 4
Trvání hry: 10 mn
Složitost: 1 / 5
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S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Hraj Linx a 960 dalších her online.
Žádné stahování, hraj přímo ve webovém prohlížeči.
S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Přehled pravidel
Be the first to win 2 rounds
On your turn, you either place a tile face up, place a tile face down, or pass:
If you place face up, the tile goes into an empty space next to or diagonally adjacent to another tile within the boundaries of a 5x5 grid (or 4x4 for two players) and you draw 2 new tiles
To place face down, it must beat the tile it covers (show your tile before placing it). Tiles are beaten in traditional rock-scissors-paper-rock; you do NOT draw new tiles
If you legitimately can't place a tile, or have no tiles in hand, you pass and draw 2 tiles
Round End
A player wins the round and the round ends then they achieve three tiles in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally, with all three either face up or face down, not mixed.
If no more tiles can be played, and the above criteria cannot be met, then the player with the most visible tiles wins the round
Game End
The first player to win 2 rounds wins the game!