Pingimus (z latinského "kreslíme") je party hra pro 3 (ideálně alespoň 5) až 12 hráčů. Ve třech fázích hry každý a) kreslí obrázek pro dané zadání, b) dívá se na obrázky ostatní a hádá, co představují, c) hlasuje mezi odhady a snaží se uhodnout původní zadání. Hodnocení: Každý, za kterého někdo hlasoval ve fázi c) dostává body, malíř dostává body v případě, že někdo hlasoval pro původní zadání.
Počet hráčů: 3 - 12
Trvání hry: 24 mn
Složitost: 0 / 5
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Hraj Pingimus a 988 dalších her online.
Žádné stahování, hraj přímo ve webovém prohlížeči.
S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Přehled pravidel
For tips on how to play pingimus, see Tips_pingimus
Game play
- Each round, every player is given a different thing to draw.
- Players have one minute to draw their pictures,
- Timers start at the moment they begin drawing.
- When all drawings have been drawn, they are dealt out in turn.
- For each drawing, everyone except for the artist makes a private guess of what they think the drawing is of.
- When all guesses are in, the guesses are displayed to all the players, along with the original prompt that the artist was given.
- If multiple entries are very similar, players may vote to say that these should be treated as the same, single answer for scoring.
- For example: if one entry is "ice tray" and another is "icecube tray".
- Players vote on which they think was the original prompt.
- Votes are revealed.
- Guessers score 1 point for everyone who chose their guess.
- The artist scores 1 point for everyone who chose their original prompt.
- Note: the default BGA scoring method does not give points for correct guesses.
- It is up to the table administrator to decide this before the game begins.
Game length
- Usually 3 to 5 rounds.
- Each round every player submits one drawing.