Hrací režim
Normální režim Přátelský režim ok
Rychlost hry
V reálném čase • Vysoká rychlost V reálném čase • Normální rychlost V reálném čase • Pomalá rychlost Rychlý tahový režim • 24 tahů za den Rychlý tahový režim • 12 tahů za den Rychlý tahový režim • 8 tahů za den Tahový režim • 4 tahy za den Tahový režim • 3 tahy za den Tahový režim • 2 tahy denně Tahový režim • 1 tah za den Tahový režim • 1 tah za dva dny Žádný časový limit • pouze s přáteli ok
+0:50 za kolo (maximálně 3:30)
Čas přidělený každému hráči
Hrací doba
24 hodin denně (žádné hrací hodiny) [upravit] 24 hodin denně (žádné hrací hodiny) 23:00 → 11:00 0:00 → 12:00 1:00 → 13:00 2:00 → 14:00 3:00 → 15:00 3:00 → 15:00 5:00 → 17:00 6:00 → 18:00 7:00 → 19:00 8:00 → 20:00 9:00 → 21:00 10:00 → 22:00 11:00 → 23:00 12:00 → 0:00 13:00 → 1:00 14:00 → 2:00 15:00 → 3:00 16:00 → 4:00 17:00 → 5:00 18:00 → 6:00 19:00 → 7:00 20:00 → 8:00 21:00 → 9:00 22:00 → 10:00 ok
Season Campaign (Expansion)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only [upravit] No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only Sezóna se 3 závody (Rozšíření) Sezóna se 4 závody (Rozšíření) Sezóna s 5 závody (Rozšíření) ok
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Season Campaign Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules) [upravit] Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules) Vyber ze všech Řidičů (on-line varianta) ok
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Žádní řidiči Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules) Vyber ze všech Řidičů (on-line varianta) ok
Players do not have Drivers with special abilities. This setting is recommended for first-time players.
Track [Single Race Only]
Náhodně (pouze tratě ze základní hry) Náhodně (pouze tratě z Racing Season) Náhodně (všechny tratě) Náhodně (pouze 4 pruhové tratě) Náhodně (pouze 2 pruhové tratě) Daytona Beach Monza Talladega (Rozšíření) Monte Carlo (Rozšíření) Tuscon (Rozšíření) ok
Enable Daytona Beach Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Ano Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Vyhnout se ok
Enable Monza Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Ano Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Vyhnout se ok
Enable Talladega Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Ano Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Vyhnout se ok
Enable Monte Carlo Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Ano Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Vyhnout se ok
Enable Tucson Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Ano Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Vyhnout se ok
Card Set
Náhodný balíček karet Vyber set karet Náhodné karty Vyber karty ok
Start with a randomly chosen predefined card set
Allow Base Game Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include cards from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected will not include cards from the Racing Season expansion.
Allow Promo Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected will not include any Promo Cards.
Allow Base Game Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected may come from the base game.
Povolit karty z Racing Season [pouze náhodný výběr]
The card set randomly selected will not come from the Racing Season expansion.
Card Set [Choose Card Set Only]
První hra Fine Tuning Rozbitý Peníze, peníze, peníze Rainbow Road Warrior Rev'd Up Expert Invitational Rinse & Repeat (Racing Season) Squeaky Clean (Racing Season) Dobře namazaný stroj (Racing Season) This or That (Racing Season) Shake & Bake (Racing Season) Rubbin' is Racin' (Racing Season) ok
This set is all about giving new players loads of fun, while maximizing flexibility, and showing off what a game of Automobiles is capable of.
Garage Card [Choose Cards Only]
Car Chief Inženýr Manažer Mechanik Factory Support (Racing Season) Personál údržby (závodní sezóna) Performance Testing (Racing Season) Náhodně ok
May remove 1 cube from your active pile AND/OR Put 1 cube from your active pile or discard pile back into your bag.
Handling Card [Choose Cards Only]
Aerodynamika Steering Zavěšení Pneumatiky Burnout (Racing Season) Nelze dát více kostek do jednoho segmentu trati Redline (Racing Season) Náhodně ok
Gain 1 wear. Move 1 space matching 1 gear in your discard pile.
Pit Card [Choose Cards Only]
Šéf mechanik Pit Captain Tým Tým Vzduchové zvedáky (Racing Season) Impact Wrench (Racing Season) Mechanik (Racing Season) Náhodně ok
Draw cubes until you draw 1 non-wear. Then remove all wear from your discard pile.
Engine Card [Choose Cards Only]
Dieselový motor Hybridní motor Rotační motor Přeplňovaný Crate Motor (Racing Season) Fuel Injection Engine (Racing Season) Internal Combustion (Racing Season) Náhodně ok
Gain 1 wear. If you have more blue cubes on your player sheet than in any other player's discard pile, move up to 2 spaces in any 1 color.
Performance Card [Choose Cards Only]
Zesílení Převodovka Nitro Turbo Adrenalin (Racing Season) Bump & Run (Racing Season) Overdrive (Racing Season) Those Aren't Pillows (Promo Card) Náhodně ok
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many light gray spaces as your current position in the race. If in last position, you may move 1 additional light gray space.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Obsah pytlíku
Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag [upravit] Show Approximate Number of Cubes in your Bag Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag Show Full Details of Cubes in your Bag Show Full Details of Cubes in all Bags ok
Online variace: Hráči znají přesný počet kostiček ve svém pytlíku.
Kostičky poškození
Doporučená online variace: Neomezený počet kostiček opotřebení umožňuje, aby každý vždy dostal příslušný počet kostiček opotřebení.