Ve SPLITO hráči spolupracují se dvěma svými přímými sousedy.
V průběhu hry každý hráč pokládá karty na dvě plochy : levou a pravou.
Během 13 kol hry si každý hráč vybere jednu ze svých karet v ruce a umístí ji do jedné z těchto 2 oblastí.
Počet hráčů: 2 - 8
Trvání hry: 13 mn
Složitost: 2 / 5
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Žádné stahování, hraj přímo ve webovém prohlížeči.
S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Hraj Splito a 993 dalších her online.
Žádné stahování, hraj přímo ve webovém prohlížeči.
S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Přehled pravidel
You share scores with your neighbours but your final score is the multiplication of both your partnerships (e.g. you and right score 3, whilst you and left score 2, gives you a total score of 6).
In a 2 player game you don’t share scores with your neighbors.
In a 2 player game there are 26 rounds or turns. In games with 3 or more players there are 13 rounds / turns.
Play a card to either your left or right neighbour, then pass the hand of cards on
Cards are made up of two types (Splito and Objective)
37 Objective cards are the ways in which you score points.
72 Splito cards are the means to achieve the objectives. There are 2 copies of each value 1 - 6 in the 6 colours.
There are many different types of objectives, but the following concepts will help you understand any you come across:
A grey diamond with a number inside it refers to the number on a card
A coloured exterior with a white diamond refers to the colour of a card
The black diamonds at the side of the card denote points but only count one side e.g. a card with 3 diamonds on the left and 3 on the right if completed would give you 3 points