Vulture Culture
Zahrajte správnou kartu ve správný čas a nejen surikaty budou šťastné:
čím více karet surikat (a jejich bodů) nasbíráte v průběhu hry, tím lépe.
Ale pozor:
V balíčku číhají také supi, kteří body odebírají a lze se jim vyhnout,
pouze pokud vám zbývají dobré karty!
Hráč s nejvíce body po 15ti kolech vyhrává hru.
Počet hráčů: 2 - 5
Trvání hry: 4 mn
Složitost: 1 / 5
Hraj Vulture Culture a 1003 dalších her online.
Žádné stahování, hraj přímo ve webovém prohlížeči.
S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Hraj Vulture Culture a 1003 dalších her online.
Žádné stahování, hraj přímo ve webovém prohlížeči.
S tvými přáteli a tisíci hráči z celého světa.
Přehled pravidel
The more meerkats (and their points) you collected, the better. But be careful for the vultures!
- Each player takes a set of 1-15 cards.
- Shuffle the 15 point cards (vultures and meerkats) and put them face down.
- The game consists of 15 rounds.
- In each round, first turn over a point card.
- Each player choose a card to play, face down. Then everyone reveal their cards at once.
- All ties are ignored, then if the card (or the sum) is a meerkat it goes to the highest player, lowest if vulture.
- If there are only ties, nobody gets it. It will be bided with the next card.
- All players set aside the cards they played in their discard piles. Any player can consult any discard pile at any time.
- Meerkat values 1 to 10
- Vulture values -1 to -5
End of Game
- After 15 rounds, the game ends. All remaining point cards in the middle are discarded.
- All players add up their scores. Meerkats are positively scored while vultures are negatively scored.
- The player with the highest score wins.
- Basic rules: If there is a tie, all tied players lose and the player with the next untied score wins.
- Meerkat tiebreaker: If there is a tie, the tied player with the highest-valued meerkat card wins.
Discard Pile
- Discard visible: You can see the discard piles of each player.
- Last card visible: You can see the last card played by each player.